
You wish all those questions would stop. They just make you feel worse.

  • What’s wrong?
  • Why don’t you smile more?
  • Why don’t you ever talk to me?
  • Why can’t you just be happy?

It can be very stressful to try and explain what’s going on in your head when you aren’t even sure you understand it. You have learned how to look good on the outside while you are stuck hiding in that dark place inside your own head. Some days it is overwhelming. Other days it just feels too painful to face your world.

“Sad hurts but it’s a healthy feeling. It is a necessary thing to feel. Depression is very different.”
J.K. Rowling

Blue or stuck?

We all get blue from time to time, but do you feel stuck – unable to find your way out?

Depression can affect the way you feel about yourself as well as how you view situations and events. It can disrupt your sleeping and eating habits; cause problems in your concentration; prevent you from finding joy in fun activities; and, may cause you to avoid people and isolate from the world.

You are watching one of those ‘happily ever after movies’ and see a lot of similarities with the characters and scenarios. You can picture you and your family in this ideal life and smile.

From out of nowhere a thought comes into your head that freezes you in your spot: “If my life is perfect, why do I feel so unhappy?”

These thoughts have come and gone for a while but seem to linger longer and longer until it is your new normal. It is difficult to put a finger on what is causing you to feel this way. But these moods are getting harder to fight off, and they start to consume every minute.

Do you feel as if your life is spiraling out of control a little bit more each day?

Can you be in charge of your own destiny?

Depression looks and feels different for everyone. Only you know what is happening inside. You feel the pain of enduring each day. You know the struggles of trying to appear OK on the outside when your insides are mixed up. You experience the fear of uncertainty that things might never improve.

Such a lonely existence. But it can end here.

There is hope for a fulfilling and joyous life. Together you and I can uncover issues that prevent you from enjoying the freedom from depression. Happiness, mental wellness, peace, hope for each day and the ability to be ready for anything. My goal for you is to wake up every morning and know in your heart and head that you are in charge of your destiny.

NOW is the time…

You have been questioning your feelings. You have been just hanging on for a long time. You are ready to reach out and start to make positive changes in your life for a wonderful future. I am here to walk with you. Pick up the phone and call me at (470) 955-6081 to begin an awesome journey of self-discovery.